Lawyer profile: Chloé Perez

Written on
5 March 2024

I was lucky enough to join Arnaud Blanc de la Naulte’s team for my first collaboration, in January 2016, and I was instantly passionate about my assignments, which enable me to see all aspects of employment law, both in advisory and litigation roles, but also to be in contact with customers, and legal professionals.

For 8 years now, my daily routine has been lively, varied and stimulating, making each day as enriching as it is captivating, which for me is a major achievement.

Over the years, I’ve developed a particular appetite for litigation, in all its aspects, having benefited from Arnaud and Sonia’s unfailing guidance and support.

Some of these victories will remain forever engraved in my memory, particularly those cases that were unjustly lost in the first instance, and finally won on appeal, after a lot of hard work and an argument in which I put all my energy.

I’ve also had the opportunity to make many enriching and sometimes life-changing encounters, which have been an invaluable source of learning, contributing to my professional development.

On a personal level, I never imagined for a moment, when I walked through the door of the practice for the first time, the impact this experience would have on my life, the wonderful moments, joys and even laughter that awaited me.

NMCG and I will continue to grow, and the future looks bright!

The Distinctions