Alcohol and drugs at work […] Part 2 (2/3)

▶️ Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace: Employer’s Actions – Part 2 (2/3)

🔔 L’usage de stupéfiants sur le lieu de travail peut donner lieu à une sanction, qui doit être proportionnée à la faute commise et tenir compte des circonstances. In this second part, we will analyze the different types of screening. Next week, find the third and final part on the employer’s means of action.

➡ Introduction to the topic (Part 1)
➡ The different types of screenings (Part 2)
➡ The employer’s means of action (Part 3)

Claire Peroux, partner in Labor and Social Security Law, brings you her expertise.
#nmcg #alcohol #substance #work

The Distinctions